"Oh Tulasi, just by touching you, one's body becomes pure. Any person who makes beautiful japamala [meditation beads] or neck beads out of Tulasi wood, and uses them, even if they do not perform any worship of Sri Vishnu, all of their activities become unlimitedly fruitful." Skanda Purana (3000BC)


Telefonos: (51) (1) 364 46 30 - 360 00 37 - 9931.65155
Facebook: Ramananda Roy Freitas Romero
Email: ramananda_roy@hotmail.com

Friday, June 5, 2009


Was born in Iquitos Peru South America and became Krsnas devotee from the International Society for Krsna Conciousness (ISKCON) at the age of 9 years old thanks to the influence and inspiration of his uncle Avadhuta das a great devotee of Lord Krsna The Supreme Personlity of Godhead
Afterwards because of his determination and austerities and his prayings to Lord Krsna, by the mercy of The Lord, now all his family is devotee.

At the age of 12 he had the opportunity to travel and study for 5 years in Sri Dham Mayapur (West Bengal) India gurukul , where there he learned the art of music,vedic fire ceremonies (yajñas), carving, cooking, and the Vedic knowledge of worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna also there in Sri Dham Mayapur he learned how to cultivate and take care of Tulasi devi tree a pure devotee of Lord Krsna, actually she has a spiritual body just like all of us and she is known as Srimati Vrinda devi.

At the age of 15 he took iniciation from Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Goswami Maharaja in Sri Mayapur Dham, and the second iniciation at the age of 25 by Hridayananda das Goswami Maharaja (Srila Acaryadeva) in Miami ISKCON farm.

After he left India, he has been travelling in different countries in the world, like Hong Kong, Taiwan, England, Mexico,USA, and different countries in South America, trying to help Srila Prabhupadas mission in book distribution, fire ceremonies, preaching programs about bhakti yoga the highest of all yogas, deities worship, at the ISKCON temples.

Now a days, Ramananda Roy is performing his art of carving the most beautiful necklaces of TULASI devi wood for the benefit and respect of humanity and nature.

TULASI devi wood is the only plant that you must respect her whole life time and can only be worked her beautiful body after she leaves naturally her life, otherwise is a very big offense to Her and to Her Lord Sri Krsna.

Actually TULASI Maharani is the queen of all plants and she helps us to advance in our conciousness of God thats why Ramananda Roy das is very inspire now to share all this knowledge and the beauty of his art.

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